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yani's devlog #5

Ok, so now its officially March. We now have about less than a month until the semester is over and our projects will come to an end....

yani's devlog #4

Hey again! I’m back again with a new development log. A lot seems to happen every single time I update, but this time, truly a lot has...


Hi again! I’m back with another update on our project. It’s now the end of December and the deadline for our Alpha Prototype is rapidly...

Converging on a Design

For the art team, this part of development was focused on testing, testing, and testing. We had created silhouettes and options last...


Since the last time, a lot has happened in our capstone group. We’ve solidified on our game and we've completely changed the direction...

yani's devlog #1

So this is my first development log since year 4 and capstone have started. We're currently on week 6 out of 28-ish, so we're still in...

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